A man named Miser Ebeneezer Scrooge wakes up from his sleep because of a group of spirits on Christmas Eve. The lives reveal the misery, the bad life, the opportunities that he easily wasted, and the conflicts he will face in a few days, and may tell him about the harsh fate that will follow him at that time. Perhaps it is a terrifying story in the life of that man whose life has turned into a nightmare. There are many phenomena that happen on Christmas and may change a lot.
10 December 1941, Dublin, Ireland
2 October 1979, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
26 October 1962, London, England, UK
14 June 1992, Torrance, California, USA
5 March 1969, Wellington, Shropshire, England, UK
12 October 2001, San Diego, California, USA
8 October 1993, Texarkana, Texas, USA
17 January 1962, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada
19 August 1977, London, England, UK
4 July 1962, Gustine, California, USA
26 October 1942, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England, UK
12 March 1956, Brighton, East Sussex, England, UK
June 10, 2012
One cannot help but feel the same effect could have been accomplished by simply making a live action film with state-of-the-art visual effects.November 06, 2009
Zemeckis' film preserves much of Dickens' original dialogue and detail while amplifying the utter ethereal strangeness of the ghosts.November 06, 2009
There's a lot of dark magic in this Dickensian Yuletide.November 10, 2009
The motion capture animation is top-notch and it's hard not to be impressed with what Robert Zemeckis has wrought, even if there's the occasional sense he's pandering to an audience that can't get through a 90 minute story without a few yuks and a chase.November 06, 2009
Want the creeps for Christmas? Then check out the latest version of A Christmas Carol.January 02, 2011
Bah humbug: Zemeckis and Carrey screw with Scrooge.December 19, 2010
Zemeckis and Disney's collaboration brings about a cold and forgettable variation using the advent of animation and technology to destroy the magic...September 30, 2011
A supernatural parable of terrifying, chain-rattling spirits and mind-warping time travel, with a theme of social responsibility that extends far beyond seasonal cheer.February 15, 2012
A remarkable and effective adaptation of Charles Dickens' classic novel that manages to overcome the familiarity of its source material and become something more fulfilling.November 22, 2010
Zemeckis's retelling of A Christmas Carol is solid, most importantly letting the story itself shine through where it naturally does.November 06, 2009
How they made it into this Disney adaptation unprettified is a Christmas miracle in itself.November 06, 2009
Does this entertainment achieve a timelessness beyond its exquisite source material? Not even. Yet there's pleasure to be had and relief in feeling the filmmakers didn't Scrooge it up either.