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A novelist blinded in a car crash which killed his wife rediscovers his passion for both life and writing when he embarks on an affair with the neglected wife of an indicted businessman.
7 February 1932, Ocean City, New Jersey, USA
April 25, 1983 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
17 November 1983, Australia
10 March 1966, New York City, New York, USA
26 October 1961, Waterbury, Connecticut, USA
29 June 1978, Brooklyn, New York, USA
11 November 1962, Roswell, New Mexico, USA
18 April 1947, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
6 January 1984, Mallorca, Spain
13 February 1964, Aurora, Illinois, USA
July 13, 2017
Devoid of any subtlety, bereft of a strong plot, and embarrassingly misguided toward its disability narrative, Blind really has nothing to recommend it.July 13, 2017
The film, directed by Michael Mailer, wanted to be a steamy romance, but it ended up leaden and occasionally laughable.July 13, 2017
The chemistry between Baldwin and Moore is strangely disconnected. The performers aren't bad, but they don't generate any kind of heat.July 13, 2017
Moore's and Baldwin's forceful personalities power their performances, and these evenly matched partners have now invigorated both a convoluted thriller (The Juror) and a predictable romance (Blind).July 13, 2017
"Blind" stumbles with unlikable characters and a lack of depth, leaving audiences simply wishing for its ending, happy or not.July 12, 2017
Might work on a lazy Sunday afternoon with relaxed expectations and an iPad on the lap, but it's hardly successful, almost obsessed with sabotaging itself.July 11, 2017
Were it not for three well-known lead actors, this film probably would have turned up on the Lifetime channel instead of in theaters.July 13, 2017
Playing a 'count the cliches' drinking game could be dangerous to your health with Blind.July 13, 2017
Sappy melodrama, the sort of thing that gives so-called 'women's pictures' a bad name.July 09, 2017
The film makes a bold but foolish move by getting in the ring with Tolstoy, analogizing itself to Anna Karenina in a self-seriously laughable attempt to pass its schmaltzy and contrived romance narrative off for something significantly grander.July 13, 2017
A hackneyed romantic drama in dire need of anything that resembles actual human behavior.July 13, 2017
Sometimes screenwriters don't leave well enough alone.