Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a comedy-action series that chronicles the adventures of Buffy Summers, a teenage girl who is gifted with the strength and skill to hunt vampires. Buffy returns from summer vacation with a major attitude and recurring nightmares involving the Master - even as the Anointed One and his followers plot their revenge.
17 November 1951, Sarasota, Florida, USA
8 February 1974, Overbrook Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
30 July 1974, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
3 July 1971
27 August 1952, Peekskill, New York, USA
23 January 1944, Breukelen, Utrecht, Netherlands
23 June 1969, chicago, Illinois, USA
21 October 1969, Los Angeles, California, USA
10 December 1968, New York City, New York, USA
30 June 1959, Blythe, California, USA
21 August 1972, Orange County, California, USA
15 August 1972, Berkeley, California, USA
8 December 1969, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA
19 December 1969, Mission Viejo, California, USA
21 January 1960, Chatsworth, California, USA
October 13, 2014
Serves more as a fun guilty pleasure, but one that chooses to embrace the absurdity and run with it...June 24, 2006
Unfocused stuff, pitched at undemanding teenagers.May 20, 2003
A slight, good-humored film that's a lot more painless than might have been expected.October 15, 2007
Joss Whedon's script has some fun with Valley talk (both genuine and ersatz) but strains to sell the story.May 12, 2001
As a friend tells Buffy while she eyes a fashion purchase, 'It's so five minutes ago.'October 15, 2007
Enjoyable, but now basically a footnote to the TV series.October 15, 2007
Quite why Perry, as romantic interest, is still trying to convince peopel he is of high school age remains a mystery.July 30, 2012
Buffy isn't funny or scary, it's just mediocre, slowly losing interest in itself as Kuzui runs out of imagination.August 19, 2013
Production values are low and everything looks cheap, but the film punches above its weight and has a lot of heart.October 15, 2007
This pallid crossbreeding of vampire horror with Valley Girl vamping has no surprises.October 15, 2007
A bloodless comic resurrection of the undead that goes serious just when it should get wild and woolly.January 01, 2000
The second half feels stretched out and muddled, as if screenwriter Joss Whedon drove a stake through his script.