Set in the small town of Devil's Gate, North Dakota, the film examines the disappearance of a local woman (Regan) and her young son. Schull plays an FBI agent who helps the local sheriff (Frakes) search for answers. Partnering with a deputy (Ashmore), they track down the missing woman's husband (Ventimiglia) and find that nothing is as it seems.
19 May 1968, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
26 August 1978, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
19 August 1952, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, USA
8 July 1977, Anaheim, California, USA
30 July 1977, Ciudad Real, Spain
16 November 1959, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
24 February 1976, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
3 February 1982, San Diego County, California, USA
7 October 1979, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
May 09, 2017
A very weak high concept thriller that gets worse the further it goes into its god awful premise.May 08, 2017
An irreverent mix of genres taken completely seriously but with no small amount of fun, Devil's Gate wears its script's stupidity on its sleeve and allows its creature effects and committed cast to carry it throughout.