The movie follows a young innocent black man who is forced into the slums of LA where he has to battle living in the crime underworld.
19 August 1969, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
19 October 1920, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
21 June 1969, Los Angeles, California, USA
23 July 1909, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
29 May 1959
2 January 1968, Los Angeles, California, USA
30 July 1964, South Bend, Indiana, USA
14 August 1946, New York City, New York, USA
30 July 1971, Sacramento, California, USA
15 April 1980, New York City, New York, USA
20 July 1973, Brooklyn, New York, USA
September 22, 2005
If you really want to appreciate this film, go see all the hood movies from the 90s - good and bad.January 01, 2000
Rude, crude and outrageous.January 01, 2000
Things might be bad, the movie suggests, but they're not so bad you can't laugh.February 05, 2008
Full of very obvious spoofery, and funnier in concept than in execution.January 01, 2000
Outrageous is the key word here. In many successful scenes, the Wayans deftly play on our assumptions and cliches.December 28, 2004
The thin plot is merely the frame for gags, and there are more a few good ones here.October 11, 2004
Laugh yourself stupid....Wayans classic!September 16, 2005
There's maybe three or four half-decent chuckles to be found in this otherwise interminable 90-minute mega-chore.September 17, 2005
...the Wayans use a sledgehammer to drive in a thumbtack.October 21, 2003
[A] pleasant hour and a half.August 30, 2004
A free-for-all comic spoof that brings the 'hood' genre of Hollywood films full circle.February 05, 2008
Strangely sour and ultimately wearisome.