Set in the aftermath of the infamous 2005 Cronulla riots, the movie tells the story of two carloads of vengeful, testosterone-charged young hotheads from both sides of the fight destined to collide.
11 May 1977
26 July 1981, Australia
18 September 1975, Sydney, Australia
January 24, 1997 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
31 January 1992, Canberra, Australia
May 16, 1972 in Australia
October 19, 1960 in Australia
10 August 1989, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
August 11, 2016
The film has its strengths, but empathetic characters are not one of them.August 27, 2016
Complete with a few unexpected soundtrack choices, Down Under packs a strong emotional punch and asks us to take a good, hard look at ourselves.August 17, 2016
There's plenty of zesty slapstick, along with a relentless torrent of four-letter words in all cases and conjugations.September 30, 2016
If this film is anything to go by, [Australians] are living with exactly the same racial tensions and dealing with the same level of ignorance as we are. But it's a lot bloody easier to laugh about it when it's 10,000 miles away.August 12, 2016
Down Under is too ugly to be funny.August 09, 2016
Forsythe has an extremely disciplined schematic in mind, and sticks to his guns. The final act has great power ... His script has integrity and his direction is sure-footed and consistent. He may hold his characters in contempt, but never his audience.August 08, 2016
There are far too few moments of wit and far too many stretches of raucous swearing, and it's difficult to get even black comedy working in such a negative and crude environment as these characters find themselves inAugust 10, 2016
After drawing serious thematic heat from its arresting opening, Down Under loses temperature slowly, frustratingly and wastefully.August 11, 2016
The failure here isn't from unpacking a troubling historical moment with humour. It's the erratic switches in the tone that confuse the film's mood and intentions.September 22, 2016
[M]ocks the hypocrisy of those who decry diversity while enjoying it... and dings the toxic masculinity that drives men to prove themselves with rage and violence. It's all almost too dark to be outright hilarious, but it certainly is bleakly droll.August 12, 2016
The film falls short because it falls between two stools: as a reminder of a shameful period in our recent history it's too interested in finding cheap laughs, and as a comedy it's just too painful and ugly.