The movie follows a scientific expedition to an uncharted island who awakens titanic forces of nature. As they make plans to fight for survival against Kong and the other monsters on the island, some of them begin to see that Kong is worth saving.
18 April 1994, New York City, New York, USA
22 March 1995, Seattle, Washington, USA
23 May 1968, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
1 October 1989, Sacramento, California, USA
24 May 1965, Chicago, Illinois, USA
10 March 1982, Nelson, British Columbia, Canada
30 December 1960, Calcutta, India
April 29, 2017
"Kong: Numbskull Island" is more like it.April 21, 2017
An especially awful Hollywood blockbuster...March 10, 2017
It's fun to watch the [monsters] in action, but on the human side, the film is clumsily written, over-cast and underacted, with only frustrated soldier Samuel L. Jackson striking the right tone of crazy amid the chaos.March 10, 2017
The action and special effects are mostly first-rate and Vogt-Roberts maintains a vaguely satiric tone that sidesteps schlockiness.March 27, 2017
Kong: Skull Island is just good enough-the sharp allusions, the moments of wit and warmth supplied by Reilly's long-abandoned airman-to make one wish it were better.March 10, 2017
Creedence Clearwater Revival thrums on the soundtrack - has any '70s movie managed to avoid it? - but when the giant spiders start stomping, Vogt-Roberts earns the right to blast "Run Through the Jungle."April 04, 2017
The film has colorful special effects that, in fact, stop being colorful when one realizes that they are nothing more than that: special effects without a story. A disaster. [Full review in Spanish]April 04, 2017
Skull Island, for a lot of reasons, shouldn't work-until, suddenly, it does. (Splice Today)April 16, 2017
Perfectly treads the line between big budget VFX cinema & b-grade exploitation.April 17, 2017
A game of cat and mouse, in which the rodents are replaced by helicopters falling in pairs at the hands of an enraged Kong. [Full review in Spanish]May 05, 2017
What's fatal to this movie is that it lacks visionary gusto.March 10, 2017
There's enough material out there to fuel a string of reboots, but the swing toward diminishing returns has already begun.March 10, 2017
It is the platonic ideal of big, smart-dumb B-movie filmmaking - and, like Kong himself, it must be seen to be believed.