In the year 2274, young residents enjoy an idyllic, hedonistic lifestyle within the protective confines of a domed city. However, that future has one major drawback: life must end at the age of 30.
13 July 1940, Seattle, Washington, USA
16 April 1921, London, England, UK
20 December 1952, Taunton, Somerset, England, UK
2 May 1922, Woodbury, New Jersey, USA
15 November 1956, Dallas, Texas, USA
6 June 1955, Los Angeles, California, USA
November 24, 1951 in Dallas, Texas, USA
March 10, 1961 in Van Nuys, California, USA
1 September 1933, Los Angeles, California, USA
27 March 1942, Fulmer, Buckinghamshire, England, UK
18 December 1951, Santa Monica, California, USA
2 February 1947, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
3 September 1926, Asheville, North Carolina, USA
2 January 1950, New Jersey, USA
31 August 1942, Chillicothe, Texas, USA
1 January 1942, Chicago, Illinois, USA
5 October 1947, Fresno, California, USA
22 September 1950, Oklahoma, USA
19 July 1937, New York City, New York, USA
6 August 1943, Hillingdon, Middlesex, England, UK
November 09, 2009
Maybe its ambitions outpace its performance, but at least it tries.May 09, 2005
Harmless fun enlivened by a couple of sequences that are as good as the entire film should have been.October 23, 2004
Logan's Run is a vast, silly extravaganza that delivers a certain amount of fun, once it stops taking itself seriously.June 04, 2007
A numbing combination of sloppy writing, vulgar art direction, high school acting, and bungled special effects.March 10, 2012
... I found myself reflecting that sf writers can get away with a lot on the printed page that moviemakers just can't.January 28, 2005
Sci-Fi, Super 70s Style! I love it.March 09, 2004
Pre-Star Wars sci-fi; the events of the next year rendered it obsolete with record speed although there's a little more than usual here to enjoy.February 19, 2007
Cautionary tale of a futuristic society bent on destroying all but its youngest citizens.June 04, 2007
A hit-and-miss futuristic film about a world in which nobody is allowed to live past 30 years.June 24, 2006
Fundamentally, this is just further proof of Hollywood's untiring ability to reduce all science fiction to its most feeble stereotypes.February 16, 2010
Despite its grabber of a premise, Logan's Run flaunts poorly developed plot specifics; as such, it's terminally silly. Nevertheless, as a camp curio, it still has an odd but undeniable staying power. [Blu-ray]