The movie follows U.S. Army sergeant Joe Gunn and his tank in the Sahara desert as they attempting to cross the desert to seek for a fabled water-well. When they run into thirsty German troops, they miraculously and successfully manage to hold them off until help arrives.
28 May 1963, Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, UK
31 May 1971, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
3 August 1958, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine, France
31 January 1947, New York City, New York, USA
28 April 1974, Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain
13 March 1950, Miami, Florida, USA
4 November 1968, London, England, UK
6 July 1979, London, England, UK
24 March 1945, Berkshire, England, UK
8 October 1978, Wandsworth, London, England, UK
14 September 1980, Auckland, New Zealand
4 November 1969, Uvalde, Texas, USA
7 June 1969, Dublin, Ireland
20 January 1966, Seattle, Washington, USA
April 18, 2009
For an adventure movie based on chase scenes in exotic locations "Sahara" never takes hold because director Breck Eisner and his team of screenwriters can't agree on what the story's about or what tone should resonate against it.April 11, 2005
It drove me crazy. It made National Treasure look like a documentary.April 08, 2005
McConaughey's no Harrison Ford. And no one cracks the whip of originality.April 14, 2005
Despite the vast beauty of location settings in Morocco and Spain, the vast lack of chemistry between the two stars is appalling.April 08, 2005
A mediocrity wrapped inside a banality, toasted in a nice, fresh cliche.October 02, 2006
Vapid, lengthy, and mostly lifeless -- kind of like the desert it's named for.February 07, 2006
Sahara rather resembles National Treasure, another film with a strained story line and deadening lack of visual richness.May 11, 2007
A pretty offensive comedy about Africans who range from primitive to demonic that, sorry, is just not funny.August 18, 2007
The whole movie is a kick, actually.November 18, 2005
For "Sahara," the problem is that we have the Indiana Jones movies to compare it to, and I'm afraid there's no comparison. It's never more than a likable poseur.April 12, 2005
Sahara is many things, but it is not a movie. It is the skull-splitting cacophony of 21 producers and four screenwriters (that we know about, anyway) standing in the same room shouting into their cell phones.April 08, 2005
Unlike Raiders of the Lost Ark, which this movie wants so desperately to be, there's nothing here to engage the brain along with the eyeballs.