Working in the shadow of an esteemed police veteran (Samuel L. Jackson), brash Detective Ezekiel “Zeke” Banks (Chris Rock) and his rookie partner (Max Minghella) take charge of a grisly investigation into murders that are eerily reminiscent of the city’s gruesome past. Unwittingly entrapped in a deepening mystery, Zeke finds himself at the center of the killer’s morbid game.
7 March 1971, Columbia, South Carolina, USA
September 14, 1992 in Los Angeles, California, USA
28 March 1981, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
January 13, 1999 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
28 November 1971, Bangor, North Wales, UK
25 January 1985, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
5 December 1982, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
July 14, 1993 in USA
9 February 1982, New Market, Ontario, Canada