The film is an entirely new, dark vision of the classic Brothers Grimm adventure. It tells the story of Thomas Kaiser who inherits a cursed ancestral mansion and must unravel the mystery of the house, while struggling to awaken the beautiful Briar Rose.
29 May 1981, London, England, UK
31 August 1970, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
25 January 1990, Vancouver, Canada
28 June 1946, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
23 July 1978, Singapore
2 March 1986, Los Angeles, California, USA
22 July 1984, Modesto, California, USA
29 October 1993, Los Angeles, California, USA
8 November 1961, New York, USA
May 13, 2016
This movie is just over 80 minutes, and it feels like (a) they're stretching to fill that much, since so much of what happens is redundant; and (b) that they didn't actually do a lot of takes, since so many of these conversations are stilted.January 09, 2017
It doesn't build up enough mythology to be a pure fantasy; it doesn't do enough with the original Brothers Grimm story to be a pure fairy tale; and there aren't enough scares or enough gore to be pure horror.July 13, 2016
Sleeping Beauty is a snoozefest.May 13, 2016
The latest in a long line of horror films shamelessly ripping off the Brothers Grimm won't leave you believing in fairy tales.May 18, 2016
Runs for less than ninety minutes, but you still might have trouble staying awake through it.May 12, 2016
The film feels like a fairy tale as re-imagined by the staff of your local Hot Topic.May 11, 2016
For viewers who are not into genre trappings, The Curse of Sleeping Beauty [...] is dull and silly beyond belief.May 13, 2016
Well, the brothers Grimm are credited in the opening titles for the story of Briar Rose, but were they still alive, they might have passed on that favor.May 13, 2016
Nothing to see here.May 09, 2016
A fascinating film with eerie background music, a believable cast, and creepy atmosphere. This dark contemporary version of a Grimm fairy tale is very intense and not for kids.May 12, 2016
Director Pearry Teo, who scripted with Josh Nadler, pushes the brooding atmospherics, entrapping us in so many dingy, dustily lit spaces that, like Thomas, we just want to escape.May 13, 2016
This is one sluggish curse that wouldn't wake even Sleeping Beauty.