Through a series of sentimental and parody events, this film tells a romantic tale between a popular performer named Pihla Sucksdorff and Eero Kaila who is a battling essayist. Them two have individual inconveniences that they attempt to tackle together through their sentimental love relationship.
16 August 1965, Kokkola, Finland
11 February 1969, Jyväskylä, Finland
September 24, 1973 in Espoo, Finland
12 October 1972, Forssa, Finland
September 9, 1959 in Kuusjärvi, Finland
25 April 1981, Helsinki, Finland
7 January 1954, Rääkkylä, Finland
June 10, 1973 in Helsinki, Finland
6 June 1971, Valkeala, Finland
August 21, 1970 in Finland
30 September 1982, Helsinki, Finland
5 February 1933, Helsinki, Finland
13 September 1964, Savonlinna, Finland
23 August 1968, Helsinki, Finland
March 16, 1955 in Hämeenlinna, Finland
12 October 1970