The drama series deals with the story of the mother and her teenage children who decided to return to her mysterious village, her birthplace in northern Italy. It seems that things are still bad as the mother returns to her village only to discover what lies beneath the surface of her past and what really happened.
6 January 1983, Landshut, Bavaria, Germany
5 March 1972, Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
1971 in Munich, Germany
9 January 1964, Rome, Lazio, Italy
July 16, 1975
October 19, 1997 in Rome, Lazio, Italy
2 May 1982, Sciacca, Sicily, Italy
22 May 1970, Rome, Lazio, Italy
June 11, 2020
The show establishes its context very clearly right from the beginning and hooks you as the two 17-year-old twins Daria and Mauro (Federico Russo) begin their life in Curon.June 10, 2020
Curon has its issues, but the two teen leads and their polar-opposites dynamic is compelling enough for us to keep watching.June 18, 2020
Creepy Italian series is more teen drama than horror.June 16, 2020
Curon has an intriguing premise, but it never takes risks... It ends up turning the story into a boring photocopy. [Full Review in Spanish]