In this comic series, the Portokalos family is once again taking on new and diverse adventures that complement the events of 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding'. New adventures begin when Nia and her husband return from their honeymoon. The family coexists in a new mode of daily emotional and comedy adventures.
November 14, 1954 in Acroyali, Kalamata, Greece
22 May 1927, Reading, Pennsylvania, USA
6 September 1961, Los Angeles, California, USA
7 June 1964, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
30 July 1950, New York City, New York, USA
2 May 1974, Detroit, Michigan, USA
24 September 1962, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
25 August 1962, Chicago, Illinois, USA
13 September 1966, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
5 June 1962, USA
9 September 1955, Long Island, New York City, New York, USA
28 January 1977, Brooklyn, New York, USA
17 December 1946, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
24 July 1933, Crete, Greece
26 October 1956, Los Angeles, California, USA
15 May 1940, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
15 January 1947, Portland, Maine, USA
February 09, 2018
If the movie was comfort food--familiar, not too spicy, easy to swallow--then the TV series is the stale leftovers.June 21, 2018
My Big Fat Greek Wedding was a pleasant enough confection, a honey-sweet bite of baklava. But as the sit-com demonstrates, a whole tray of it is just plain unappetizing.April 17, 2018
Nia Vardalos, reprising her starring role, looks thoroughly embarrassed to be witnessing the trashing of her sweet little autobiographical movie, as well she should.