The film follows ten strangers with no memory of their identities are plunged into a dark, claustrophobic maze, where they must fight in a futuristic deathmatch overseen by an elite gamemaster, as the outside world watches.
22 June 1982, Paternò, Sicily, Italy
22 April 1984, Enfield, Middlesex, England, UK
1982, Northern Ireland, UK
13 July 1997, Newport Beach, California, USA
3 April 1958, Massapequa, Long Island, New York, USA
3 August 1967, Brixton, London, England, UK
22 July 1946, San Francisco, California, USA
19 May 1985, Bilbao, Vizcaya, País Vasco, Spain
1 December 1983, Verona, Veneto, Italy
10 July 1969, Decatur, Georgia, USA
June 01, 2016
It all gets ponderous, especially all the vague political machinations.August 11, 2016
Andron is as derivative as it sounds...June 02, 2016
If it were at all original, "Andron" would be merely a bad movie poorly executed. That it is instead a knockoff of "The Hunger Games" and "The Maze Runner" makes it all the more condemnable.June 29, 2016
Because this is world-building at its flimsiest, it fails almost completely.June 02, 2016
The hapless viewer who has stumbled upon this cheesy knockoff will likely feel trapped right along with the wooden performances and plodding plot.June 08, 2016
Lack of engaging characters won't play well to the target audience.