The show follows academic overachiever (but unemployed) Billie who comes on board to look after a rich but spoiled woman-child who has been left alone in her daddy's mansion under house arrest.
28 May 1978, Evanston, Illinois, USA
26 June 1952, USA
1 November 1964, Ferndale, Washington, USA
26 April 1980, Cullman, Alabama, USA
17 November 1951, Sarasota, Florida, USA
27 December 1980, Laredo, Texas, USA
25 January 1985, USA
22 March 1959, Loma Linda, California, USA
10 February 1984, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
January 13, 2016
Idiotsitter comes equipped with a more developed situation and thematic framework than usual for this genre.January 14, 2016
Idiotsitter, a smartly crass comedy, plays like a treatment for a wacky buddy-movie, shrunk to a smaller scale for TV.January 12, 2016
Rowdy, funny comedy about a wild heiress and her caretaker.January 13, 2016
The humor in Idiotsitter isn't mainstream. It skews young, it pushes boundaries, and it's always willing to resort to debauchery and bodily-function jokes. If you're of a mind, it's also good for a few hearty laughs.January 15, 2016
Idiotsitter's leading ladies Jillian Bell and Charlotte Newhouse came up in the improv world, and they immediately come to life on screen.January 13, 2016
Idiotsitter is raucous and loose, but also a very promising vehicle for Bell and Newhouse.January 14, 2016
There could be a good show here in time, and soon, but this first episode is about as slow as riding a pony on a highway.January 14, 2016
For all the self-protective aggressiveness and passive aggressiveness on display, Idiotsitter is tender at its core and toward its characters; it stands up for education and for paying attention.